Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday!  Here are a couple of WIPs...I am trying to do a redo in my daughter's bedroom...she will be 14 and her new handmade quilt is almost finished...I have to quilt the border and then sew the binding on...she is going to be getting a much-wished-for vanity for her birthday and needed a neat stool to go with it...found the stool and now I am in process of making a fun cover to go on top...I am new at the crochet thing but am loving every minute of learning new techniques (thanks to fiberfluxblogspot - a really awesome site with great tutorials)...having found some awesome inspiration from Lucy at attic24typepad & woodwoolstoolblogspot...I decided to try my hand at it....we will see how it turns out...
I have to wait for Spring to officially arrive and then I can refinish the vanity and mirror...anyway that is all for now...have a great day! And may you feel God's
peace, never failing love and presence during this Holy Week.

melody, the crooked stitcher

Our day is but a path we tread, a gentle walk among possibilities.
-from Small Graces by Kent Nerburn

1 comment:

  1. Thanks mom so much for these amazing birthday gifts I love u so much
