Friday, April 5, 2013

Hoping Spring has Sprung!  It is finally a beautiful day in Indiana!  I am loving it. Thought I would share a peek of our Easter fun...always love coloring eggs and here are some of the results

I had fun making the sheep and my little boy had fun making an
egg in honor of Mr. Potato Head....I thought it turned out really cute.  Betty(as in Crocker) and I got it right this time...the past two years my hard boiled eggs weren't as hard boiled as they should have been but
this year...hurray!  My husband was well pleased....

Today I have been in spring tidying mode...I made a years supply of homemade laundry soap (what a great money saver) which allowed me to clean out my laundry cabinets a little and then I made myself a much needed clothespin holder...I had worn out my grandmother's and my husband's grandmother's and most recently a store bought one...which by the way only lasted one season and I pulled out some old upholstery material I had inherited from a friend's mom and ta dah! So very excited for the weather to be warm enough to use that clothesline!

I also thought I would take this opportunity to share one of my original designs...I fondly call it 
Farmer McGregor's at Midnight

It hangs in my kitchen in the Spring and early Summer. I have made a set for the different much fun...a little bit primitive, a little whimsical and a whole lot farmhouse style!
Enjoy and I hope it is feeling like Spring where you are!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed...Alleluia!
Happy Easter and Happy Spring to All.
Just a few pics of Springtime at my house...outside is my favorite flower
of all time...blooming and beautiful....
And in my daughter's room are flowers which will bloom all year covering her new vanity stool...she is pleased...didn't turn out quite like I planned but will work and for my first attempt I am to finish my daughter's quilt and get a wedding shower gift made...always a blessing to have fun projects to plan and do and to have Easter joy in one's heart...
I had to include a picture of my sweet Mittens with a ball of yarn....attempted crocheting an Easter basket of sorts...but Mittens prefers the ball of yarn...imagine that...

Blessings to All!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday!  Here are a couple of WIPs...I am trying to do a redo in my daughter's bedroom...she will be 14 and her new handmade quilt is almost finished...I have to quilt the border and then sew the binding on...she is going to be getting a much-wished-for vanity for her birthday and needed a neat stool to go with it...found the stool and now I am in process of making a fun cover to go on top...I am new at the crochet thing but am loving every minute of learning new techniques (thanks to fiberfluxblogspot - a really awesome site with great tutorials)...having found some awesome inspiration from Lucy at attic24typepad & woodwoolstoolblogspot...I decided to try my hand at it....we will see how it turns out...
I have to wait for Spring to officially arrive and then I can refinish the vanity and mirror...anyway that is all for now...have a great day! And may you feel God's
peace, never failing love and presence during this Holy Week.

melody, the crooked stitcher

Our day is but a path we tread, a gentle walk among possibilities.
-from Small Graces by Kent Nerburn

Monday, March 25, 2013

Welcome to the 1st post of The Crooked Stitcher blog....I am a simple country girl trying her hand at learning how to do some of these high tech things....and today I am happy, happy, happy as I figured out how to upload my own pins to pinterest!  YEA!!! Now to learn how to 'pretty' up my blog site....all in time I suppose...have a great day!
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight..Proverbs 3:6